Strings 1

‘dreams jangling with lost connections’

March 2024


Ah ah ah

The poem starts
with a summer song

then catches its breath
falls silent

Don't you want
to just burst out

of your skin and?

Record Player

I hold my breath
for a week

There's a draft
beneath the door

and light

Start again, says the bandit
in the softest of voices

I shudder to the floor

One of Each

The music makes
my heart blink

I have fallen
asleep like this

A kind of pain
like burnt snow

Don't blame me
for making

your eyes beat


Bearable beautiful sea

Fuck the sea
said the sun fish

(just as beautiful)

rocking herself to sleep
in a sunk canoe

TESSA BERRING lives in Scotland. She is the author of two collections of poetry, Bitten Hair and Folded Purse (Blue Diode Press). Her love of writing centres around an attention to language as an elastic and emotional material – delicate and resistant, explicit and opaque.